Free IT software and services
As a student at Liverpool John Moores University you are entitled to lots of free IT related stuff, see what's available to you.
As a student at Liverpool John Moores University you are entitled to lots of free IT related stuff, see what's available to you.
Work with us at Liverpool John Moores and drive your business forward with access to experts, insight into cutting edge research and outstanding facilities.
If you're a supplier wishing to work with LJMU, please see our guide for information on our procurement process, including how to complete tenders.
Library spaces, resources and expertise dedicated to the needs of LJMU students, researchers, staff and external visitors.
Log in to Staff Infobase - the University’s staff self service tool for managing your personal information as well as booking annual leave and is where staff and managers access and update staff records.
Access course materials, assessments and coursework submissions online and much more…
Find out how The Football Exchange Women's Network aims to connect women working in football by offering opportunities for curriculum placements.
Meet the Women Professional Services Network Officials
We are always striving to improve our services for students and your feedback is vital is helping us to do this. We will actively use the feedback to constantly improve our delivery and provide you with the best possible customer service experience.
Publication and hosting service for LJMU online academic journals using Open Journal Systems (OJS).