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  1. Staff Disability Network

    The LJMU Staff Disability Network is open to staff whom identify as having a disability (physical, hidden, mental and long-term health conditions), in the first instance.

  2. Lou McGrath OBE

    Read the full oration for Lou McGrath OBE on the Award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.

  3. Staff Telephone Logs Privacy Notice

    LJMU takes your privacy very seriously. This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information. We will always use your data as set out in the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and all current Data Protection Legislation. We are committed to being transparent about how we collect and use your data and to meeting our data protection obligations.

  4. LGBTQI+ Flags

    In 1978 gay rights activist Gilbert Baker created the first Pride flag with the goal of it being a symbol for everyone. Since then many new flags were created to represent all communities within the LGBTQI+ community.

  5. Diversity and Inclusion e-Learning

    These Diversity and Inclusion MicroLearning Resources are available to all LJMU Staff and Students, providing you with valuable information on various topics, and keeping you updated with relevant information and supporting materials.