Access Impact Tracker
Log in to Impact Tracker. Impact Tracker is a cloud-based software product helping researchers and impact officers to plan for and report social, economic and environmental impact.
Log in to Impact Tracker. Impact Tracker is a cloud-based software product helping researchers and impact officers to plan for and report social, economic and environmental impact.
Pensions and payroll information for staff
Shortlisting is the process of identifying candidates from the applicant pool who best meet the essential (and sometimes desirable) criteria set in the Person Specification for the vacancy they are recruiting to.
See information on depression and low mood, such as the signs and symptoms, how it impacts our thinking, emotions, physical sensations and behaviours plus some self-help interventions on managing it.
Find out more about Secondary care, maternity care and sexual health services available to asylum seekers and refugees.
Find our more about job grading and pay at Liverpool John Moores University
The effects of alcohol and drugs can be a problem for physical and mental health, as well as cause problems at work. See advice on how to reduce your alcohol intake or support for yourself or family members.
Log into the Vivup dashboard. Find a wide range of care and support specialists waiting to hear from you as well as the staff benefits available to you.
Programme and module specifications are the definitive record of a validated programme of study, about its intended learning outcomes and the means by which these outcomes are achieved and demonstrated.
Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement (CME) is a prospective process for monitoring and reviewing the University’s taught undergraduate and postgraduate provision to ensure alignment with external and internal threshold standards, as well as for regularly reviewing programmes to see how they can be developed further to enhance the student experience.