Jin Wang
Department of Maritime and Mechanical Engineering
Department of Maritime and Mechanical Engineering
The Public Health Institute investigates interventions with the aim of reducing tobacco use. We look at the relationship between smoking behaviours and demographics, income, parental smoking, leisure activities and alcohol consumption.
Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Discover the opportunities for students learning alongside world-class researchers and teachers within the Centre for Natural Products Discovery.
As a graduate from the School of Law a wide variety of career opportunities could be open to you. Find out what careers you could secure and how, through placements and events, the School will help boost your employability.
Liverpool School of Art and Design
Research undertaken by CCSE members of the Children and Youth Research Group seeks to explore the experiences of children and young people who come into contact with the Youth Justice System.
Built Environment
Read the oration for Gerry Kinsella on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Sir Philip Craven.