Charlie Smith
Liverpool School of Art and Design
Liverpool School of Art and Design
The Astrophysics Research Institute provides exceptional educational and public outreach projects including the National Schools' Observatory, Spaceport, astronomy workshops for schools and more.
The Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies will host a conference on the topic of police education on Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 June 2023.
School of Education
LJMU works with a number of schools and colleges to provide opportunities to help pupils with their maths or English, work as a teaching assistant, mentor, after school club facilitators or offer subject support.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Avril Robarts Library including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Read the Module Evaluation Survey privacy notice.
Respondus Proctoring Privacy Notice
Teaching and Learning Academy is part of Liverpool John Moores University. Liverpool John Moores University is the Data Controller. Advance HE (organisation administering the survey) and JISC (organisation providing the survey platform) are data processors.
Policies related to data protection: Authority to release form, Data Protection Policy, How to request your personal information, Request for information template, Student data collection notice, Obtaining Occupational Health Records and Occupational Health Records Request Form.