LJMU Sport and Physical Activity Department policies
Read LJMU Sport and Physical Activity Department policies.
Read LJMU Sport and Physical Activity Department policies.
Find out more about the programme for the Women's Physiology and Nutrition Symposium 2025.
LJMU takes your privacy very seriously. This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information. The information we hold and process will be used for management and administrative purposes only, to enable us to manage our relationship with you effectively and lawfully whilst you are working with us and after your duties have been completed.
Develop a critical appreciation of relevant ethical-legal skills and knowledge pertinent to advanced practice through this CPD course.
Learn about the School of Computer Science and Mathematics courses.
Find out more about the staff from the Electrical and Electronic Research Centre. Read the researchers profiles, publications and contact details.
Discover excellence in river basin research with the JRBM awards honour top papers & reviewers. Join us at River Flow Conference for announcements and celebration.
See the School of Humanities and Social Science staff.
Find out more about Liverpool Business School's International Business Management and Strategy Research (IMBMS) Group, the purpose of the IBMS group is to bring together academics with interest in international business, management and strategy.
How to place hold requests, borrow books and check your library account.