Joanna Lavery
Nursing and Advanced Practice
Nursing and Advanced Practice
Liverpool Business School
The Dance Research Group is at the forefront of the latest innovations in dance education. Our expertise includes professional studies, technology in dance, disability and dance, and creative practice.
Download our range of careers guides and resources, including Career Planning Guides and Career Insights. Career Mini Guides cover topics such as CVs and covering letters, application forms, interviews, LinkedIn, part-time jobs, volunteering, postgraduate study, graduate schemes and more.
Dr Colum Cronin has written an article about the ways in which TEL has influenced the delivery of the course.
My Sh*t Therapist and Other Mental Health Stories book review
Read The Schools' Observatory privacy notice. LJMU takes your privacy very seriously. This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information. We are committed to being transparent about how we collect and use your data and to meeting our data protection obligations.
Nursing and Advanced Practice
The Mastering Shipbuilding Management (MSM) week provides a globally unique educational experience and is supported by the UK National Shipbuilding Office.