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  1. Getting your 2024 results: Friday 7 June

    This week you’ll receive your results but how do you access them? What do they mean? And what should you do if you don’t get the results you wanted? Read our guidance and advice below.

  2. The anatomy of our ancestors

    Forensic techniques by international scientists, led by LJMU’s Dr Matteo Borrini, have created the facial reconstruction of the oldest preserved mummy in the Egyptian Museum of Florence.

  3. A world class maritime workforce

    Liverpool John Moores University is spearheading innovation in the UK’s maritime industry with the launch of a unique maritime graduate talent programme alongside the official opening of one of the most advanced Maritime Bridge and Engine Simulator training facilities in Europe.

  4. Liverpool welcomes London's Lord Mayor for the day

    The Lord Mayor of the City of London visited Liverpool this week to back a major growth strategy and new vision for the city region. The Lord Mayor, Alderman the Lord Mountevans, met with business leaders in the city region as part of a visit organised by Professional Liverpool and Liverpool in London.

  5. FactLab role in Lever Prize 2016

    The prestigious Lever Prize 2016 has been won by the Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) for a joint project with FACT, involving FACTLab, a collaboration between FACT and LJMU, which explores the interaction between arts and science.

  6. REF 2021: World-leading research across LJMU

    Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) has more than doubled the amount of research that is judged to be world-leading or internationally-excellent by a national audit of UK universities.