Graduate Jason Arday is youngest Black Cambridge professor
PhD and lecturer in Sociology and Education is one of the LJMU 200 People for our Bicentenary in 2023
PhD and lecturer in Sociology and Education is one of the LJMU 200 People for our Bicentenary in 2023
New combined-separate urban drains
Find out more about Professor Warren Gregson's inaugural lecture about elite football at LJMU.
Midwives from the School of Public and Allied Health star in Liverpool Lighthouse film for NHS
Save the date for the launch of our latest group, the PA and Admin Staff Network, on Thursday 8 February, featuring a guest talk from staff networks expert Cherron Inko-Tariah.
25 Athletes from across the UK attended the first ever Para Laser Sport training event at LJMU’s Sport Building this week.
First UK study to look at psychological birth trauma and long-term effects on coping with drink
In a special edition of the LJMU 1823 Podcast: The road to Silverstone, Dr Christian Matthews is joined by LJMU e-Racing Head of Team 2022, MSc student Cameron Reedy, and former Head of Team, Rhian Griffith, who now works as a mechanical engineer at the Small Robot Company.
More than a dozen students present idea, research and stories at Students at the Heart Conference
Women scientists at LJMU have won a grant to share our institutional learnings on gender equality with partner institutions in Brazil.