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  1. Hybrid working guidance

    Following the initial launch of hybrid working last year, our HR team has now shared its Hybrid Working Guidance.

  2. Sport Science in action for BBC Sport Relief

    Professor Greg Whyte OBE took time out from supporting Zoe Ball’s Hardest Road Home Challenge for Sport Relief 2018, to talk about how sport and exercise science is playing a key role.

  3. Applications open for Research England Policy Support Fund

    LJMU is being allocated funding from the Research England Policy Support Fund (PSF) to support the development of impactful research and engagement activities. Applications of up to £10,000 will be considered and applicants have until 5pm on Monday 10 October 2022 to make a submission.

  4. A life of action

    The life of Eleanor Rathbone (1872-1946) was the subject of the latest Roscoe lecture, delivered by Dr Susan Cohen at St George’s Hall to mark the start of a year in celebration of her life. An audience of over 1,000 were given an insight into the achievements of this extraordinary Liverpool citizen who, born into a life of wealth and privilege, used her influence and position in society to campaign for social justice and dedicated her entire life to the service of others.

  5. Transgender Awareness Workshop 

    LJMU's Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Team are proud to be working in partnership with Subject Matter Expert; GenderSpace and are pleased to offer LJMU/JMSU Staff the opportunity to participate in a virtual, half day (three hour) Transgender Awareness Workshop.