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  1. Exam Timetables

    April/May 2019 Examination Timetables are now available for LJMU students.

  2. LJMU Library launches new reading corner

    LJMU Library has developed a new children's reading corner, providing access to a collection of children's books. This new space provides a fun and relaxed reading area for use by students, staff, local teachers and school children.

  3. Staff flu jabs

    As part of LJMU's focus on staff wellbeing, we are offering free e-vouchers to get your flu jab.

  4. Are we alone? Professor Monica Grady delivers latest Roscoe lecture

    Are we alone? Is there the possibility of life elsewhere beyond the earth? This was the subject of a fascinating lecture on the cosmos and the universe in the latest Roscoe lecture at St Georges Hall, delivered by Monica Grady, Professor of Planetary and Space Sciences at the Open University (OU)

  5. New study suggests explanations for usage of plesiosaurs’ long necks

    Plesiosaurs are an extinct group of marine reptiles from the age of dinosaurs who are famous for their long necks. The effect of such long necks on how these animals swam is a mystery but now computer simulations are helping LJMU scientists understand what would happen if a plesiosaur turned its head while swimming.