The life of a primatologist
Meet LJMU primate specialist and lecturer in Animal Behaviour, Dr Alex Piel. He talks about his research on chimpanzees and what they tell us about our own history.
Meet LJMU primate specialist and lecturer in Animal Behaviour, Dr Alex Piel. He talks about his research on chimpanzees and what they tell us about our own history.
Lockdown is an emotional rollercoaster full of loss and uncertainty, say teenagers in a new video film about the pandemic.
First UK study to look at psychological birth trauma and long-term effects on coping with drink
Three day visit around future opportunities with Southern Conneticut State University
The shift from hunter-gatherer to farmer likely explains evolutionary jumps in appearance amongst many ancient peoples.
International Relations team bid wins £1m to double Turing Scheme funding for 24/25.
NIHR award for School of Psychology academics for Ask, Listen, Act COVID study
Office of National Statistics Award for LJMU and Public Health Wales
Apply now for a fully funded 3-year PhD scholarship or the newly piloted Internal Thematic Doctoral Pathway (TDP).
Board game developed through artistic workshops aims to improve the public’s understanding of life of licence