Do you have a UPF diet?
Study at LJMU and University of Liverpool assesses public awareness of ultra-processed foods and their risks
Study at LJMU and University of Liverpool assesses public awareness of ultra-processed foods and their risks
Using the latest imaging technology, researchers have revealed more information about a prehistoric mammal, previously thought to be an elephant-sized, moose-like creature, which was actually a close relation to modern-day giraffes.
Plesiosaurs are an extinct group of marine reptiles from the age of dinosaurs who are famous for their long necks. The effect of such long necks on how these animals swam is a mystery but now computer simulations are helping LJMU scientists understand what would happen if a plesiosaur turned its head while swimming.
Australian scheme helps young people deal with mental health that leads to drug use
One of the driest places on Earth has intermittently been a 'green corridor' for human migration due to historical periods of increased rainfall, according to new research.
Conserving habitats could be the key to saving declining songbirds
Professor Richard Brown and Dr Carlo Meloro publish research in Communications Biology which shows divergence of a species of lizard despite cohabitation and gene exchange.
Our prehistoric ancestors may have had large carnivores – giant lions, saber-tooth cats, bears and hyenas up to twice the size of their modern relatives – to thank for an abundance and diversity of plants and wildlife.
Summer is here, and with more time spent outside and catching up with friends, LJMU are reminding all students, living within the community, some simple reminders on how to be a good neighbour.
A study into the feeding behaviour of two extinct European rhinoceros species has revealed an unexpected survival strategy for a mammalian family of the Ice Ages.