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  1. Teaching and learning

    The Research Centre in Evolutionary Anthropology and Palaeoecology offer a range of learning opportunities in natural sciences including animal behaviour, biology, conservation, bioarchaeology, forensic anthropology and primate behaviour. Find out about our current MPhil projects and PhD opportunities.

  2. Senator Datuk Seri Syed Ali Al-Habshee

    Read the oration for Senator Datuk Seri Syed Ali Al-Habshee on the award of his Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Peter Byers.

  3. Galaxy formation and evolution

    The Galaxy Formation and Evolution Research Group looks at population studies of dwarf galaxies up to the most massive clusters of galaxies, supermassive black holes and detailed modelling of the internal structure of galaxies. Discover more about our expertise, who we work with and meet the researchers.

  4. Sport and Exercise Sciences courses

    Excellent teaching and real-world experience sets you up for a bright future in the sport science and exercise industry. Our undergraduate and postgraduate degrees are in sport and exercise science, science and football, sports psychology, biomechanics, physiology and nutrition for sports.

  5. Olivia Weston

    Olivia is a marketing executive and a degree apprenticeship graduate, having studied with us over four years before gaining her BSc in Digital Technology Solutions. She is passionate about STEM opportunities for all, uncovering data bias and championing diverse career pathways.

  6. Professor Sir Howard Newby CBE

    Read the oration for Professor Sir Howard Newby CBE on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Phil Redmond.

  7. Choosing what to study

    Check our campus tour FAQ for details on what to expect, how tours work, and the safety measures we have in place for your visit.