Travelling to the Liverpool Cathedral
Here you will find information about travelling to the Liverpool Cathedral including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Liverpool Cathedral including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Jean was a Secretary for Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to Jean's interview.
Find out how to search and apply online for accommodation that meets your wants and needs.
Barry Groombridge joined Elder Dempster Lines aged 16. Barry’s first voyage was from London to the United States, via West Africa. The voyage lasted nine months. Listen to Barry’s interview to hear about the Christmas he spent with nuns in Madeira and what life was like as a purser at Elder Dempster Lines.
Cycle Scheme and car parking
This week we have a number of institutional TEL updates (some of which are biggies) that we would like to pass on.
Find out how you could secure an LJMU-funded internship with a local organisation, working on a suitable graduate-level project. Internships are available to Level 5 and 6 LJMU students and graduates from the most recent graduating class.
Read more about the history of Elder Dempster Lines - the largest UK shipping group between Western Europe and West Africa from the late-nineteenth century to the 1980s.
Find out about our outreach programmes specifically for post-16 schools, sixth form and further education (16-18).
Julie Sheldon is the Dean of LJMU's Doctoral Academy.