Sport scientist preparing jockeys for the Grand National
LJMU's School of Sport and Exercise Science plays a vital role in preparing jockeys for what is the most famous horse race in the world the Randox Grand National.
LJMU's School of Sport and Exercise Science plays a vital role in preparing jockeys for what is the most famous horse race in the world the Randox Grand National.
KEY roles in Liverpool businesses are being filled by LJMU undergraduates under a new employability scheme.
Stories of students 'locked down' in halls inspire fresh approach in LJMU Student Advice & Welfare
Interview with organiser Dr James Crossland
Millions of consumers could end up giving shopping-with-Alexa a miss unless retailers improve the buying experience, according to new research published this week by Liverpool Business School.
The Board of Governors has approved the appointment of Nisha Katona MBE as the sixth Chancellor of Liverpool John Moores University.
NURSES from overseas are being recruited to join the NHS workforce under a scheme piloted in Liverpool.
Staff and students at LJMU have welcomed changes to the Highway Code that restructure the road hierarchy and prioritise walking and cycling.
POACHERS who disguise rare animal remains in a multi-billion dollar trade are a step closer to being caught out, according to scientists in Liverpool, UK.
A NATIONAL campaign to kickstart social mobility in Britain has praised Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) for going the extra mile to educate disadvantaged young people.