Search the LJMU website

  1. Research in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences

    97% of our research activity is rated world-leading or internationally excellent within RISES. Find out about our Biomechanics, Brain and Behaviour, Cardiovascular Health Sciences, Exercise Metabolism and Adaptation, Psychology and Development research groups and our exchanges: the Physical Activity Exchange and the Football Exchange.

  2. Public Health Masters courses

    Discover how you can study public health in a multidisciplinary and research-informed learning environment at LJMU.

  3. Andreas Kasper

    Faculty of Science | School of Sport and Exercise Sciences | Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences

  4. Greece

    See the international entry requirements for students from Greece wishing to study at Liverpool John Moore's University.

  5. Postgraduate study - the right move for you?

    Whether you’ve considered postgraduate in the past or didn’t think it was right for you, why not log on to our live Q&A sessions 15/16 June and talk to our tutors and students about how postgraduate study could transform your future?

  6. Programme

    Pledge to contribute to nurturing and inspiring to drive Advanced Practice forward.