Careers support for 2019 LJMU graduates
Whether you are a final year undergraduate or postgraduate student, there is a wealth of careers and employability support available to you both in the run up to graduation and beyond.
Whether you are a final year undergraduate or postgraduate student, there is a wealth of careers and employability support available to you both in the run up to graduation and beyond.
The People Plan 2030 outlines six strategic themes to create engaged staff, central to LJMU’s success.
The annual Susan Cotton and Sue Dunthorne Travel awards are open to undergraduate and postgraduate students in the school, designed to enhance students personal and career development through travel and impactful experiences. Successful applicants for the Susan Cotton Awards receive a budget of £1500 to spend on the trip of a life to their choice of destinations, while the Sue Dunthorne Travel Bursary is an award of £500 to travel anywhere in the UK or overseas.
On Saturday 24 June 2023, in honour of Armed Forces Day, St George’s Hall will host a special exhibition of the War Widows Quilt, part of the War Widows Stories project led by LJMU academic Dr Nadine Muller.
Students from the Liverpool School of Art and Design and the Liverpool Screen School celebrated their success in the morning ceremonies, while the School of Humanities and Social Science and the Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies were recognised in the afternoon procession.
Following a recent review of LJMU staff car parking provision, the university will continue to subsidise staff car parking until 31 August 2023.
The flow of gas in the Universe by which stars and planets are formed is a process controlled by a cascade of matter that begins on galactic scales.
This International Women’s Day we’re highlighting one of LJMU’s latest research projects led by Dr Alison Lui, Reader in Corporate and Financial Law, as well as events happening across campus.
The second round of paid Discovery Internships this semester are open until midnight on Sunday 17 December 2023. Interviews will take place before the end of January 2024 and the internships will begin from early February 2024 (start dates may vary for each role).
Liverpool John Moores University is working with the Skcin cancer charity and the Clare Daly Foundation to roll out the Sun Safe Schools accreditation across primary schools in the Liverpool region, which will benefit up to 10,000 children.