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  1. Fairtrade Fortnight film screenings

    The Liverpool Business School is hosting a series of events for Fairtrade Fortnight as part of its commitment to Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME).

  2. A day to remember

    Friday 17 July was the final day of LJMU's 2015 summer graduation ceremonies

  3. Student Spotlight

    Each week we will be highlighting either an individual or group of students from LJMU in our new feature, Student Spotlight. It will let people know about your LJMU journey, LJMU life, your experiences in Liverpool and the good work that happens around the university

  4. LJMU students help refugees at the Polish/Ukrainian border

    MA Wildlife Conservation students Vanessa Grundy, 27 and Alex Donnelly, 27 along with Vanessa's brother Mike Grundy are currently at the Poland-Ukraine border helping refugees get to safe accommodation in Krakow, and further across Europe, following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.