Interview with visiting law professor, Sarah Buhler
Rachel Stalker, Senior Lecturer in Law and founder of the pro bono Legal Advice Centre at LJMU, recently hosted University of Saskatchewan law professor Sarah Buhler.
Rachel Stalker, Senior Lecturer in Law and founder of the pro bono Legal Advice Centre at LJMU, recently hosted University of Saskatchewan law professor Sarah Buhler.
Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the world – 42m people visited sub-Saharan Africa in 2018 alone. Photographs on social media are already being used to help track the illegal wildlife trade and how often areas of wilderness are visited by tourists.
Have you ever stopped to think how essential electricity is in our lives? Graduates who studied Electrical and Electronic Engineering at LJMU tell us what the world would be like without it. Be afraid, be very afraid!
Are you ready for postgraduate study? Read more to find out...
Written by Jakub Pilski, BSc (Hons) Nutrition student. As a BSc (Hons) Nutrition student, I had the chance to join a cohort of students from the BSc (Hons) Nutrition and the BSc (Hons) Sport Nutrition programmes at Liverpool John Moores University on their trip to experience using commercial kitchens and dining at Kendal College.
Over the past ten years, violence among young people involved in gangs has claimed hundreds of lives and dominated national debate in the UK.
Working out how much you can afford can be difficult. Our Money Advice Team are here to help you look after your wallet and your mental health.
Chimpanzees now face the daunting task of surviving in a habitat increasingly infested and assaulted by humans. And as their populations decline, so does their behavioural variation. In short, humans are causing chimpanzee cultural collapse.
Wild chimpanzees are hard to find, but their DNA – left-behind genetic traces – is opening up a new way of studying them, write experts Alexander Piel and Fiona Stewart
A new approach to gathering data using cybernetics and AI could help coaches spot weak links in their teams