Decorated snail shell in a cave in Iraq could be evidence of Paleolithic bling
A tiny artefact with complex incisions tells us about prehistoric ornamentation, writes Professor Chris Hunt
A tiny artefact with complex incisions tells us about prehistoric ornamentation, writes Professor Chris Hunt
When you think about your own school days, you might have had a furry friend to keep you company in the classroom – maybe a school hamster, rabbit or guinea pig. But what about a school dog?
We sit down with Mollie who applied to LJMU on Results Day to find out what applying through Clearing is like.
Dr Ruth Odgen from the School of Psychology, a lead investigator on a new study into time under COVID-19 isolation, shares her thoughts with us.
Bipedal movement has existed in modern reptiles for much longer than we previously knew, writes Dr Peter Falkingham
Received your results and they’re not what you expected? Changed your mind about your choice of course? Decided you want to live at home or move somewhere else?
With the new academic year just around the corner, we’ve put together some useful advice to prepare you for starting uni this autumn.
Some student tips to start fresh in 2021
Explore the benefits of studying a Foundation Year at LJMU and learn how this program can boost your confidence and ease the transition to university life.
Second year LLB Law student Poppy shares what she learnt away from the lecture theatre about legal history during a visit to Lancaster.