How AI could help football managers spot weak links in their teams
A new approach to gathering data using cybernetics and AI could help coaches spot weak links in their teams
A new approach to gathering data using cybernetics and AI could help coaches spot weak links in their teams
Blog from Campbell Macintosh-Watson, BA (hons) International Tourism Management student on his placement year in North Carolina, USA.
Got money on the mind? Here are some student spending tips...
We've been working closely with Degree Apprentice employers so we've gained some insight into what they are looking for in candidates.
Love reading and analysing books? Consider studying English Literature – a degree that opens doors to a wide range of careers.
England’s dramatic rise in gang-related knife crime has been called a “disease” by the UK home secretary, Sajid Javid, and amid the daily drama of Brexit the prime minister, Theresa May, has called a summit of 100 experts to Downing Street to discuss the issue.
When you think about your own school days, you might have had a furry friend to keep you company in the classroom – maybe a school hamster, rabbit or guinea pig. But what about a school dog?
Despite being illegal, chhaupadi, the practice of exiling menstruating women and girls from their home – often to a cow shed – is still practised in some areas of Western Nepal. Chhaupadi is an extreme example of the stigmas and restrictions around menstruation that exist not only in Nepal, but also globally.
Business Studies student, Julia Harrison, shares her top tips in preparing for exams.
Two Sport Psychology students share their experiences of their field trip to Manchester United training ground and the English Institute of Sport.