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  1. Work starts on new student spaces

    Find out more about the new student social spaces that be popping up around campus over the summer, ready for students returning in September.

  2. Is this the face of Robert the Bruce?

    Scientists and historians have joined forces to create detailed virtual images of what could be the head of Robert the Bruce, reconstructed from the cast of a human skull held by the Hunterian Museum.

  3. 'Trust' is key to future of policing

    Merseyside Police Chief Constable, Andy Cooke QPM, cited enhancing trust within his own staff and the community as being one of his key priorities in leading Merseyside Police, as part of LJMU’s Chief Constable Annual Lecture Series.

  4. Gigantic giraffids

    Using the latest imaging technology, researchers have revealed more information about a prehistoric mammal, previously thought to be an elephant-sized, moose-like creature, which was actually a close relation to modern-day giraffes.