What supplements do scientists use, and why?
Six scientists, including LJMU Professor of Human Physiology Graeme Close, on the supplements they take every day and why they take them
Six scientists, including LJMU Professor of Human Physiology Graeme Close, on the supplements they take every day and why they take them
Bipedal movement has existed in modern reptiles for much longer than we previously knew, writes Dr Peter Falkingham
Geography students, Holly Hadden and Georgina Harriss, share their experiences of a recent field trip to Almeria, Spain.
A new approach to gathering data using cybernetics and AI could help coaches spot weak links in their teams
Cara Shearer talks about International Women's Day and what it means to her.
Prescription drugs pregabalin and gabapentin have been reclassified – but it won’t stop problem use
Chloe Thomas and Kara McDougall talk about their experiences as women in the engineering sector.
Business Studies student, Julia Harrison, shares her top tips in preparing for exams.
England’s dramatic rise in gang-related knife crime has been called a “disease” by the UK home secretary, Sajid Javid, and amid the daily drama of Brexit the prime minister, Theresa May, has called a summit of 100 experts to Downing Street to discuss the issue.
Martin Coulby from the Astrophysics Research Institute talks about his own mental health issues and the importance of the Staff Disability Network at LJMU.