Research projects - Research Institute for Literature and Cultural History
Discover the research projects carried out within the Research Institute for Literature and Cultural History.
Discover the research projects carried out within the Research Institute for Literature and Cultural History.
Nursing and Advanced Practice
The aim of this study is to examine how effective the James’ Place therapeutic model is helping men overcome their suicidal crisis in both the short- and long-term.
This blog post highlights how working closely with the TEL team, creativity and new technology can be combined.
Read the oration for Jim Gill OBE on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.
Department of Computer Science
Member of the Board of Governors.
The Centre for Natural Products Discovery is concerned with preventing and curing disease. Find out about investigating natural products and their toxicity, particularly in their ability to cause toxicity to cancer cells in an effort to identify new potential cancer chemotherapeutic leads.
The Centre for Natural Products Discovery is concerned with preventing and curing disease. Find out about the abundance of scientific evidence that indicates that certain naturally occurring, non-nutritive and nutritive chemical components may prevent or reduce the risk of some chronic diseases.
TIMED is a large cross-cultural research study that will investigate for the first time how increasing digital technology use is affecting how we experience time as individuals and in society across Europe.