Registration and booking for Master Shipbuilding Management
Registration fees and information for Master Shipbuilding Management.
Registration fees and information for Master Shipbuilding Management.
Find out information about one of the bigger digital escape rooms (approx 200 students at a time) we have helped Faculty colleagues develop and deliver repeatedly over the last few years.
Find out where to find high quality and free to use images with Canvas.
We want all students to feel at home in any accommodation at LJMU and are committed to working with our accommodation partners to ensure our halls are accessible to all.
Find out about the research taking place within the Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies.
Congratulations on receiving an offer of study with LJMU. Here is how to take the next step and accept your place amongst our great student community.
The Public Health Institute publishes its research in a number of highly reputable journals. Use our search tool to find what you're looking for.
The School of Education is based at the Mount Pleasant campus. Trainee teachers will work within real school environments as well as within subject-specific facilities where required.
The Liverpool Research Institute for Climate and Sustainability (LiRICS) aims to accelerate interdisciplinary sustainability (especially climate action) research with impactful solutions for economic, legal, educational, environmental, and infrastructural systems.
Find out more about the events for the Centre for Port and Maritime History.