Are young people frozen out politically?
LJMU student Rachael Carroll talks about votes for 16-year-old, democracy and the European Youth Parliament
LJMU student Rachael Carroll talks about votes for 16-year-old, democracy and the European Youth Parliament
Oration for University Companion award
Oration for Honorary Fellowship award
LJMU is one of 15 teams to win the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) and an LJMU academic has also been awarded one of 54 National Teaching Fellows (NTF). Dr Philip Denton, Principal Lecturer at the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, is the recipient of the NTF and the paramedic team at LJMU’s Schools of Nursing and Allied Health received the CATE.
LJMU Astrophysicist Claire Burke has been named by the British Science Association (BSA) as a winner of its prestigious Award Lectures for 2018.
The final round of Discovery Internships for this academic year is open for applications from second (level 5) and final year (level 6) students.
Study finds broad support for changes to school curriculum
WHO and LJMU joint report on childhood trauma
Vice-Chancellor Mark Power and CEO Faye Dyer sign MOU to work on placements, co-creation, research, volunteering and more
Students and staff from the Criminology Department, School of Justice Studies recently spent a week in Ljubljana, Slovenia to discuss crime and harm reduction with a range of governmental and non-governmental organisations.