Sport-for-all manager joins LJMU as part of international collaboration
LJMU is set to strengthen its reputation for promoting sport-for-all and physical activity in its communities.
LJMU is set to strengthen its reputation for promoting sport-for-all and physical activity in its communities.
LJMU is one of 15 teams to win the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) and an LJMU academic has also been awarded one of 54 National Teaching Fellows (NTF). Dr Philip Denton, Principal Lecturer at the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, is the recipient of the NTF and the paramedic team at LJMU’s Schools of Nursing and Allied Health received the CATE.
LJMU has collaborated with LCR to transfer £132,000 of unspent Apprenticeship Levy to Autism Initiatives, funding 44 new apprentice care workers for the charity.
Go-getting school girls hope to springboard into top science careers by undertaking their own research with Liverpool John Moores University.
Fran Yeoman, Head of Journalism in the Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies, has been appointed to the UK Governments Media Literacy Taskforce Steering Board.
Marine research experts at Liverpool John Moores University are to undertake a major study of the risks to global merchant shipping.
University praised nationally for 'exceptional collaboration' to support students
Clinical Exercise Physiologists can now become registered health professionals
LJMU Religion & Belief Workshops (2020) - Understanding religious diversity of our students and staff community
Liverpool John Moores University has teamed up with the BBC to improve gender representation in UK broadcasting.