Graduation review: Wednesday 10 July
Students from Liverpool Screen School, the School of Law, Liverpool School of Art and Design and the Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies received their awards.
Students from Liverpool Screen School, the School of Law, Liverpool School of Art and Design and the Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies received their awards.
Analysis of footprints evidences unique Sauropod 'roll'
Assessments will be taking place from Monday 6 to Friday 17 January 2020. To support you in preparation for exams, weve answered the frequently asked questions.
As we approach our assessment period early next year, this note is to provide you with important preparation information and to confirm that exams will take place in person (with the exception of Levels 3 and 4).
A LJMU project, out of the School of Art & Design, seeks to raise awareness of new sustainable forms of human burial
Master's student competes in final of UK industry competition
Mark Power opens joyful event which saw hundreds of staff reunited
MA Sports Journalism 'bolter' lands dream job
We are now offering a new service to loan MacBook computers.
A Liverpool John Moores University law student has been awarded the prestigious national Neuberger Prize for her outstanding academic achievement.