Gang culture appeals to disenfranchised young people – but ‘social mixing’ offers a way out
Over the past ten years, violence among young people involved in gangs has claimed hundreds of lives and dominated national debate in the UK.
Over the past ten years, violence among young people involved in gangs has claimed hundreds of lives and dominated national debate in the UK.
For us humans, getting involved in an aggressive conflict can be costly, not only because of the risk of injury and stress, but also because it can damage precious social relationships between friends – and the same goes for monkeys and apes.
Going on safari in Africa offers tourists the opportunity to see some of the most spectacular wildlife on Earth – including African elephants, but as it becomes more popular worldwide, it’s worth remembering that we often don’t know how tourism affects the animals we observe.
As Transgender Awareness Week begins (13 -19th November) and ahead of Transgender Day of Remembrance (20 November), Dr Bee Hughes (they/them/theirs), LJMU Lecturer in Media, Culture, Communication and Co-Chair of LJMU Together LGBT+ Staff Network looks at the local, national and international picture when it comes to trans awareness and allyship in 2021.
We chat with Becca Hope and Julia Harrison about their experiences staying away from social media and discover their top tips on how to let go.