Can supermarket trolleys help cut risk of stroke? - trials underway
Shopping trolleys will be used to help save people from suffering a stroke by identifying irregular heartbeats, as part of a new medical trial.
Shopping trolleys will be used to help save people from suffering a stroke by identifying irregular heartbeats, as part of a new medical trial.
Liverpool John Moores University is set to train more people in diagnosing cancer thanks to a partnership with global optics firm Olympus.
A summary of the winners of the VC Awards for Research, Scholarship and Knowledge Transfer 2019 conferred at the University Research and Innovation Day in June.
The universitys new and innovative MSc Emergency Care module has been well received, with more than 200 stakeholders, leaders and healthcare professionals attending the launch symposium.
LJMU is one of 15 teams to win the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) and an LJMU academic has also been awarded one of 54 National Teaching Fellows (NTF). Dr Philip Denton, Principal Lecturer at the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, is the recipient of the NTF and the paramedic team at LJMU’s Schools of Nursing and Allied Health received the CATE.
We have a new team in place to help support any member of staff with their mental wellbeing. The LJMU Connectors are on hand to provide peer support and make sure colleagues have access to the appropriate resources and services.
A group of student teachers are working with families seeking asylum in Liverpool to provide education sessions for children without a place at school.
Advance HEs Aurora Womens Leadership Development programme is open for applications.
More places are available on the Advance HE Aurora Womens Leadership Programme.
Winners and commended from this year's Teaching & Learning Excellence Awards