Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research (SBER) Group
Find out more about the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research (SBER) Group.
Find out more about the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research (SBER) Group.
Exploring the impact of creative transpersonal psychology practices in person-centred coaching
The Marketing, Consumption, Social Engagement and Entrepreneurship Research Group looks into marketing in technology and digital business, consumerism, social engagement and sustainability, entrepreneurship, civic leadership, and business decision making in SMEs. Find out more about our work, our research team, and who we collaborate with.
Read the oration for Sir Brian Leveson on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by David Lynch.
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
This study aims to understand the causal relationship between discrimination and psychosis in ethnic minority populations in the UK.
GaP (Grants and Projects) is a collaborative creative environment for Principal Investigators (PI's) applying for external funding and professional services to work together on compelling bids and project proposals.
Find out about the research taking place within the Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies.
Read case studies to find out about the type of research the Research Centre in Evolutionary Anthropology and Palaeoecology is involved in.
At the Public Health Institute we provide advice to policymakers in consideration of the relationship between the environment and public health. Projects include: the use of parks, climate change, economic benefits of green infrastructure and evaluation of green projects for the community.