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  1. World Mental Health Day 2019

    World Mental Health Day on October the 10th is the annual global celebration of mental health education, awareness and advocacy. Throughout the week starting Monday 7th– Friday 11th October LJMU Student Advice and Wellbeing Services will be delivering a range of activities and raising awareness to celebrate good mental health and encourage us all to look at what we can do to maintain and promote positive wellbeing.

  2. Maritime SuperSkills Project

    Event to celebrate the successful completion of the project at the Maritime Museum, Royal Albert Dock on 13th June 2019. Attended by Iain McKinnon, Secretary Maritime Skills Alliance, local and national employers and LJMU staff who have helped with the project.

  3. January 2020 Exam FAQs

    Assessments will be taking place from Monday 6 to Friday 17 January 2020. To support you in preparation for exams, weve answered the frequently asked questions.

  4. LJMU VC PhD Scholarships

    The scheme has supported more than 100 high-class doctoral students in becoming part of our vibrant research community, which is delivering world-leading and internationally-excellent research across the institution.

  5. Project Harpocrates scholarship for police staff seeking a career in covert investigations and intelligence

    The police staff, drawn from Nottinghamshire Police, West Midlands Police and British Transport Police, secured the scholarship opportunity under an initiative known as Project Harpocrates. The project seeks to support law enforcement efforts to recruit and retain staff in the highly specialist area of covert operations and specialist intelligence.  Whilst the project was open to all officers one of the specific aims of the project is to increase the representation of  Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff (BAME)  in this challenging and exciting area of investigation and intelligence management.

  6. Paid internship opportunities for L5 and 6 students

    Student Futures, LJMUs Careers, Employability and Enterprise team, have a range of exciting, paid internship opportunities available for L5 and 6 (second and third year) students working on a real-life project for a local business/SME.