LJMU announces art and design partnership in India
PVC Joe Yates attends high-profile launch as India opens up to greater educational links
PVC Joe Yates attends high-profile launch as India opens up to greater educational links
Additional training dates have now been made available as GaP (Grants and Projects) training has proved to be very popular.
Academics from LJMU will be helping to reveal the secrets of forensic science in the Royal Institution’s prestigious Christmas Lectures.
Scientists give long-term perspective for unsettled British summers
People dying with Alzheimer's 11% down on memory tests taken years earlier
During the mission, LJMU were able to showcase their University offerings, meet with the UK Ambassador to Vietnam, Gareth Ward, and hold business to business meetings to ignite discussions surrounding the development of transnational education opportunities.
Research active staff are being invited, by the LJMU Concordat Steering Group, to participate in a focus group on the research environment and culture at LJMU.
LJMU has set out its commitment to promoting inclusivity in the maritime industry. The university has adopted the Diversity in Maritime Pledge
Findings from the LJMU Travel Survey have been collated and will now inform the LJMU Active and Sustainable Travel Plan.
Football legend inspires verse for Black History Month