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  1. Doc Doctor of Policing and Criminal Justice | Part-time

    LJMU's Doctor of Policing and Criminal Justice is a Professional Doctorate which will develop competent, informed, reflective, ethically and professionally competent practitioners who have a sophisticated academic understanding of wider policing, and criminal justice theories and issues

  2. MSc Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning)

    A very topical course, focusing on the development and application of tools and techniques of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality with a view to forming capable professionals for the jobs market in this field.

  3. MSc Data Science

    LJMU's cutting edge Data Science programme trains Scientists, Engineers and Mathematicians in this new field. It is taught by experts from two university departments.

  4. PG Cert Clinical Education

    PgCert Clinical Education provides the essential knowledge, skills and tools to enhance your professional development within this area of practice.

  5. MSc Nursing (Adult)

    Study MSc Nursing (Adult) at Liverpool John Moores University. Two-year postgraduate masters degree, with fantastic clinical placements and student support. Funding support available.

  6. MSc Supply Chain, Logistics and Management

    LJMU's Supply Chain, Logistics and Management programme is delivered by specialist academics with expert knowledge about the strategic and operational issues relating to supply chain and logistics management

  7. MSc Sport and Clinical Biomechanics

    LJMU's MSc in Sport and Clinical Biomechanics features extensive training in lab-based skills plus in-depth analysis of contemporary issues.