Frequently asked careers questions
Check out our FAQs for information on the Careers Team services, events, CareerSmart, jobs, placements, postgraduate study, and more.
Check out our FAQs for information on the Careers Team services, events, CareerSmart, jobs, placements, postgraduate study, and more.
The green sector is booming, with careers growing four times faster than the overall UK labour market. Learn more about green careers.
Book appointments with our Careers Team for CV checks, mock interviews, and application advice. Access graduate jobs, internships, and work experience.
LJMU Alumni benefit from free lifetime career support. Discover our services, connect through LJMU Connect and explore all Graduate Outcomes.
Careers and employability support for final year students.
The aim of the Student Futures Team is to help LJMU students and graduates achieve the career they aspire to. Find useful information and advice about career options, careers fairs and employer events, work experience and internships, careers resources and guides and LJMU’s online digital careers platform.
Careers and What's Next
Want to build a career in the green sector? Connect with professionals already working in the field to gain insights and guidance.
Find out more about the Careers Team and our commitment to equality, diversity, and confidentiality. Access valuable resources and insights to guide you.
Download our range of careers guides and resources, including Career Planning Guides and Career Insights. Career Mini Guides cover topics such as CVs and covering letters, application forms, interviews, LinkedIn, part-time jobs, volunteering, postgraduate study, graduate schemes and more.