Dazzling Iron Age discovery
Archaeologists have discovered evidence of the first wealthy Iron Age community in the North West of England.
Archaeologists have discovered evidence of the first wealthy Iron Age community in the North West of England.
New research from Queens University Belfast and Liverpool John Moores University reveals how the microplastic pollution crisis is threatening biodiversity.
Advising governments and industry on best, or better practices, is a vital job carried out by scientists such as Patrick Byrne of LJMU.
Climate change is threatening to wreck efforts to contain man-made pollution around Britains coast.
Biological and Environmental Sciences has become the fifth LJMU school to have received the Athena SWAN Bronze Award.
Reindeer from one 'genetic ancestry' travel ten times further on average than others
New research has calculated the damage done by farmers converting tropical peat swamps to oil palm plantations.
Public Health institute (PHI) host the European Federation of Environmental Health (EFEH) a regional branch of the International Federation of Environmental Health, which seeks to a provide means for exchanging information and experience on environmental health works to promote co-operation between countries
Technique gives more accurate picture of sea life
LJMU have secured prestigious funding to develop novel approaches to sustainable mining in the Philippines.