Policies for staff
Find out more about Academic Registry policies.
Find out more about Academic Registry policies.
Academic policies: Academic Feedback Policy, Briefing Sheet, E-Submission Policy, Placement Learning Code of Practice, Peer review and teaching observation, Marking of Anonymised Coursework, Marking of Anonymised Examination Scripts, Personal Tutor Policy, Postgraduate certificate in learning and teaching in HE (PGCertLTHE)
Registry Services is a front facing support team responsible for delivering professional services to students, university staff and external agencies.
Patrick Toosey was a Managing Director at Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to Patrick's interview.
Lawrence Aye Maung was Chief Officer for Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to Lawrence Aye Maung's interview.
Ray Donker was Chief Mate with Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to Ray Donker's interview
Vincent Scriven was a pantryman with Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to his interview.
Mike was a Purser for Elder Dempster Lines. In his interview, Mike talks about the role of a Purser and the challenges he faced. Listen to Mike's interview.
Ian Walker was a Fourth Engineer for Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to Ian Walker's interview.
Ray joined Elder Dempster Lines when he was just 16. Ray worked in Hamburg, before returning to Liverpool to marry. Listen to Ray's interview.