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  1. How to write a standout personal statement

    Struggling to write a personal statement to support your university application? Our in-house expert, Andrew Cooper, shows you how to approach this essential document.

  2. The Moon: facts, fascination and the future

    We talk to Professor Andy Newsam, Director of the National Schools’ Observatory, about the Apollo 11 Moon landing and learn some interesting facts about the Moon along the way.

  3. Can I afford to go to university?

    Working out how much you can afford can be difficult. Our Money Advice Team are here to help you look after your wallet and your mental health.

  4. Is university for me?

    Considering university brings about a myriad of thoughts and feelings. Third year Adult Nursing student ,Natalie Beltran gives her perspective on why taking the leap back into study was worth it.

  5. Imagine a world without electrical engineering

    Have you ever stopped to think how essential electricity is in our lives? Graduates who studied Electrical and Electronic Engineering at LJMU tell us what the world would be like without it. Be afraid, be very afraid!