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  1. Research Themes within the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour

    Find out more about the specific areas of expertise within the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour, including: applied psychology, cognitive psychology, sports psychology, affective neuroscience, psychopharmacology, animal behaviour, health psychology and mindfulness.

  2. Abstract Book

    Take a look at the Abstract Book for the European Conference on Behavioural Biology 2018.

  3. Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour

    Within the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour we are involved in research which looks at perception, attention, emotion, learning and memory, sensory and motor processes, and includes animal models of neurobehavioral research. We investigate cognitive and brain mechanisms in psychologically and neurologically intact animals and humans, and the disruption of these processes caused by drugs, brain damage, ageing or atypical development.

  4. Tobacco

    The Public Health Institute investigates interventions with the aim of reducing tobacco use. We look at the relationship between smoking behaviours and demographics, income, parental smoking, leisure activities and alcohol consumption.

  5. About the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour

    The Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour is involved in research in all areas of brain and behavioural sciences, applied psychology, cognitive psychology, sports psychology, affective neuroscience, psychopharmacy, animal behaviour, health psychology and mindfulness. Find out more about our expertise and what we have achieved.

  6. Substance Use and Behavioural Addictions

    Our Substance Use and Behavioural Addictions research group conduct world leading research into the causes and consequences of substance use on an individual and societal level