St. George's Park visit
On Friday 8 March, over 20 students studying BSc and MSc programmes in LJMU's School of Sport and Exercise Sciences visited St. George's Park, the home of the Football Association.
On Friday 8 March, over 20 students studying BSc and MSc programmes in LJMU's School of Sport and Exercise Sciences visited St. George's Park, the home of the Football Association.
Geography students, Holly Hadden and Georgina Harriss, share their experiences of a recent field trip to Almeria, Spain.
Going on safari in Africa offers tourists the opportunity to see some of the most spectacular wildlife on Earth – including African elephants, but as it becomes more popular worldwide, it’s worth remembering that we often don’t know how tourism affects the animals we observe.
Summer internship at LJMU: Fighting climate change one Miscanthus experiment at a time, By Amy Speers, BSc (Hons) Biology student
Liverpool is a magnet for students as a safe and affordable home from home. Here are just some of the reasons why Liverpool is a great student destination.
Bipedal movement has existed in modern reptiles for much longer than we previously knew, writes Dr Peter Falkingham
LJMU students are given a once in a lifetime opportunity to venture out into the wilds of Tanzania to study primates in their natural habitat. Find out about their experiences.
Two Sport Psychology students share their experiences of their field trip to Manchester United training ground and the English Institute of Sport.
We talk to Professor Andy Newsam, Director of the National Schools’ Observatory, about the Apollo 11 Moon landing and learn some interesting facts about the Moon along the way.
Chimpanzees now face the daunting task of surviving in a habitat increasingly infested and assaulted by humans. And as their populations decline, so does their behavioural variation. In short, humans are causing chimpanzee cultural collapse.