EndNote Online
EndNote online is a helpful citation tool which students can use on and off campus.
EndNote online is a helpful citation tool which students can use on and off campus.
Quick guide to graduation day - what you need to know about the graduation ceremony.
Process Map and Flow Charts
In a crisis? Get urgent help with 24/7 mental health support, emergency services, or specialised crisis lines. Immediate support options are listed here for your safety.
Enhance your learning by studying, working or volunteering abroad with the go abroad programmes at Liverpool John Moores University. Find out more about study and work abroad, the Go Global Fund as well the opportunities available at LJMU for international exchange students.
LJMU’s exchange programme with the US allows American students to study at Liverpool John Moores University. Learn how to apply.
Study for a semester at Southern Connecticut State University through LJMU’s exciting US exchange programme.
First time studying abroad? Get all the essential information you need before traveling to make your experience smooth and enjoyable.
With over 100 partners across Europe, the USA and Asia, there are plenty of opportunities to find the right location for you to study abroad.
Find out how you can access your Results Statement and Progress Transcript.