International Women’s Day – a day for all
Cara Shearer talks about International Women's Day and what it means to her.
Cara Shearer talks about International Women's Day and what it means to her.
Whatever reason you're applying to uni through Clearing, our top tips can help you through the process.
Received your results and they’re not what you expected? Changed your mind about your choice of course? Decided you want to live at home or move somewhere else?
Do you dream of a career in a rapidly-advancing field that helps families achieve parenthood? Are you considering becoming a Clinical Embryologist? Studying MSc Clinical Embryology at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) and Care Fertility is a great way to get there.
By Catherine McCarthy, BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour student
We talk to Professor Andy Newsam, Director of the National Schools’ Observatory, about the Apollo 11 Moon landing and learn some interesting facts about the Moon along the way.
Demelza Kooij's film The Breeder considers the darker implications of our cultural fetish with cute.
Prescription drugs pregabalin and gabapentin have been reclassified – but it won’t stop problem use
Chimpanzees now face the daunting task of surviving in a habitat increasingly infested and assaulted by humans. And as their populations decline, so does their behavioural variation. In short, humans are causing chimpanzee cultural collapse.
Despite being illegal, chhaupadi, the practice of exiling menstruating women and girls from their home – often to a cow shed – is still practised in some areas of Western Nepal. Chhaupadi is an extreme example of the stigmas and restrictions around menstruation that exist not only in Nepal, but also globally.