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  1. LJMU students help the global fight against pneumonia

    Over 300 undergraduate and postgraduate LJMU students have registered their interest in clinical trials at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicines Accelerator Research Clinic (ARC) with many LJMU students having already taken part in a study.

  2. Smart meter data could help identify dementia

    Energy use patterns from smart meter data could be used to help identify whether people are suffering from conditions such as dementia and depression, computer scientists have shown.

  3. LJMU VC PhD Scholarships

    The scheme has supported more than 100 high-class doctoral students in becoming part of our vibrant research community, which is delivering world-leading and internationally-excellent research across the institution.

  4. Launch of MSc Emergency Care module

    The universitys new and innovative MSc Emergency Care module has been well received, with more than 200 stakeholders, leaders and healthcare professionals attending the launch symposium.