Forensics – information and course list
Use the power of science to help solve crimes, resolve legal disputes and uncover secrets of the past. Find a forensics course that suits your interests.
Use the power of science to help solve crimes, resolve legal disputes and uncover secrets of the past. Find a forensics course that suits your interests.
Investigate how chemistry can be applied creatively to everyday life and the problems of 21 century society. Explore our chemistry courses.
The Forensic anthropology group is committed to the development of protocols and guidelines to increase the reliability of the recovery, documentation and analysis of human remains. We provide casework consultancy for forensic anthropological analysis, facial approximation and mass grave excavation. Find out about our work by viewing our publications, collaborations, research areas and people.
The Applied Forensic Technology Research (AFTeR) Group is interested in all aspects of the application of technology within the field of forensic work. A particular focus is on audio and video forensics.
The Forensic Research Institute is a research and training organisation with expertise in aspects of evidence collection, analysis, reporting and testimony. We have a proven track record of impact in assisting criminal justice agencies in crime-prevention, police work, the preparation of cases, victim identification, victim and witness support and much more.
Explore the place of law in society while discovering how you can make a direct contribution to its practice and application. Discover the courses within the subject of law at LJMU.
The School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences provides excellent teaching and innovative research across biochemistry, forensic science, pharmacy, biomedical science, virology, drug discovery, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology.
Discover the career opportunities available to graduates of pharmacy and biomolecular sciences including working in community and hospital pharmacies and the pharmaceutical industry.
The Forensic Science Research Group influences policy and provides real world solutions. Discover our expertise including analysis of ballistic and drug materials, properties of psycho and bioactive substances, and forensic microscopy. Meet our researchers and find out how we can work with you.
More effective measures of detection are needed to help stop the trade in illegal animal products. An LJMU graduate is working on an innovative approach to address the problem.