MArch Architecture
This MArch from LJMU invites you to creatively engage in a truly interdisciplinary and project-orientated architectural study.
This MArch from LJMU invites you to creatively engage in a truly interdisciplinary and project-orientated architectural study.
The MSc Forensic and Investigative Psychology postgraduate degree has a strong emphasis on psychological investigation and exploring offending behaviour.
Join this Senior Leader Apprenticeship as part of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson programme to develop and enhance your existing leadership practice
This Senior Leader Apprenticeship [SLA] programme provides you with knowledge, skills and capabilities needed to lead and support your organisation in continued sustainable growth, and also offers you a unique university postgraduate qualification. It aims to transform participants into confident business professional
This LJMU Sport Coaching Masters enables coaches to analyse and critically reflect on their personal coaching practice, providing the skills to coach at elite level.
This LJMU Sport Coaching Masters enables coaches to analyse and critically reflect on their personal coaching practice, providing the skills to coach at elite level.
LJMU's Prof Doc in Applied Sport and Exercise Science enables you to create and interpret new knowledge associated with your own professional practice.
LJMU's Prof Doc in Applied Sport and Exercise Science enables you to create and interpret new knowledge associated with your own professional practice.
LJMU's Supply Chain, Logistics and Management programme is delivered by specialist academics with expert knowledge about the strategic and operational issues relating to supply chain and logistics management
The Advanced Practice Supply Chain, Logistics and Management programme is delivered by specialist academics with expert knowledge about the strategic and operational issues relating to supply chain and logistics management