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  1. What's going on in Liverpool in 2022?

    Being a student in the UKs most exciting city means you get access to a range of events happening right on your doorstep. So, what is coming up in 2022, in our city and at LJMU?

  2. EFC offer - discounted tickets

    Everton Football Club is once again offering LJMU staff and students discounted tickets to a range of fixtures this season.

  3. Screen School student hailed at international film festival

    A Screen School student has won first prize at the 2019 Pesaro Film Festival. Taking place in Pesaro, Italy, the festival recognises the talents of established and emerging filmmakers, and confers awards covering a range of areas, including a category for university students.

  4. Estranged Students Solidarity Week

    Monday 25th - Friday 29th November is Estranged Students Solidarity Week, a national campaign to raise awareness of the issues affecting students who are studying in higher education without the support of a family network.