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  1. Hiring managers guidance

    Now that Unitemps at Liverpool John Moores University is fully operational, this guidance for hiring manager and budget holders has been prepared between Human Resources, Finance and Student Advancement - LJMU’s careers, employability & enterprise service, within which Unitemps sits.

  2. New Year News

    This week we have a number of institutional TEL updates (some of which are biggies) that we would like to pass on.

  3. LJMU Funded internships and work-based learning

    Find out how you could secure an LJMU-funded internship with a local organisation, working on a suitable graduate-level project. Internships are available to Level 5 and 6 LJMU students and graduates from the most recent graduating class.

  4. Using Courseloop

    LJMU uses Courseloop as its curriculum management system. Courseloop is the Single Source of Truth that maintains a definitive record of the university's academic offering and of their associated governance meetings.

  5. Previous study

    Studied in higher education before? Find out about the funding available to you.