Search the LJMU website

  1. Steve Burrows CBE

    Read the full oration for Steve Burrows CBE on the Award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.

  2. Kathryn's story

    Find your place at LJMU...we talk to Kathyrn about her experiences at the University.

  3. Nickianne Moody

    Nickianne worked at LJMU for just short of 30 years, teaching on and then leading the university’s Media and Cultural Studies provision. Sadly, she died in 2019 following a period of illness, leaving behind a multitude of memories and legacies for students and academics alike.

  4. Programme

    The Experimental Psychology Society workshop takes place on 19 January 2017 at LJMU, find out about the topics and speakers - view the workshop programme.

  5. ESPRit Conference

    LJMU will host the fifth annual conference of the European Society for Periodical Research (ESPRit) between the 7-8 July 2016. Find out more about the conference including the schedule of speakers, the venue, delegate rates and travel and accommodation.

  6. Forensic Science

    The Forensic Science Research Group influences policy and provides real world solutions. Discover our expertise including analysis of ballistic and drug materials, properties of psycho and bioactive substances, and forensic microscopy. Meet our researchers and find out how we can work with you.

  7. Posters

    View the posters for the annual Liverpool Neuroscience Day taking place at LJMU on 13 June 2017.