Change to process for visiting lecturers
LJMU is introducing a new and more efficient process for appointing visiting lecturers.
LJMU is introducing a new and more efficient process for appointing visiting lecturers.
Is dark tourism just another fad in the age of the selfie and tick list travelling? Gillian O’Brien explains its appeal and gives it historical context.
LJMU has welcomed former Lancashire Constabulary Chief Constable Steve Finnigan CBE to teach the next generation of police leaders, at the Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies.
Ever wondered what goes on in an Olympic athlete’s mind just before the start of a race? Or what an Olympic athlete's training schedule looks like? We caught up with LJMU Sport and Exercise Sciences Lecturer and Women’s 4x400m Relay Olympic Bronze medallist, Kelly Massey, to find out.
This Pension Awareness Week (11-15 September) access free, impartial, and straightforward pension information, as well as a series of live sessions.
Women still earn around £8,000 less than men in the Liverpool City Region, a new report has identified.
Did you know that you can add additional security around viewing and changing your bank details in Staff Infobase?
Singsongs, card games and radio shows would not normally be part of a History degree unless you are lucky enough to be taught by lecturer Lucinda Matthews-Jones, that is.
Using scales to see if your two months of exercising has paid off might sound like a simple and logical step but LJMU Professors Thijssen and Green say it’s likely your scales will deliver a disappointing message.
International visionary PJ Cole, last night delivered the 141st Roscoe Lecture using his platform to set out the role the African continent will play in driving global prosperity, as well as reflect on his life and work in Sierra Leone.